Marmaduke Thomas Lorenzo Lloyd
Marmaduke's headstone says he was born December 14, 1855 Hogg's Hollow, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Census records show a range of years for Marmaduke's birth from 1855 to 1859. Most census records say 1857.
His mother; Mary Ann French had 9 children. Marmaduke was her 4th child. His older sister Margaret was born in 1853, his younger brother Albert was born in 1859.
Hogg's Hollow where Marmaduke was born was and still is one of the most affluent neighbourhoods in Toronto, located in the Don River Valley and centered on the intersection of Yonge Street and York Mills Road. The Lloyd family were farmers.
Hogg's Hollow was named after James Hogg, a Scotsman from Lanarkshire who settled there in 1824. Hogg operated a whiskey distillery and a grist mill, and was considered the most successful of all the millers in the valley.
In about 1880 the John Shearer Lloyd family moved to Winnipeg Manitoba and with his sons received several land grants. Marmaduke worked as a contractor in Winnipeg into his late 20's. His dad died in 1884 as a result of a fall on a stair. John Shearer Lloyd was buried in Winnipeg. He was 64 years old.
In 1886, 29 year old Marmaduke arrived in Vancouver BC. It was the year the city was incorporated. It's also the year of the massive fire that consumed Vancouver ~ some one thousand wooden buildings, and it's the year Stanley Park was established.
Marmaduke had business interests in logging, was a thorough horseman and a published writer of poetry. He was a lover of good horses and often stated, "There is just as much difference in horses as in men."
In 1891 Marmaduke purchased the Palace Livery Stables at 1003 Pender Street, at the corner of Burrard and Pender. There were 13,000 residents in Vancouver in 1891. In the six years since Marmaduke arrived, it had grown from a population of about 400.

It has been our aim in preparing these sketches for our big supplement edition to The World, to select representative and leading firms in the various lines of manufacture, trade, banking, etc., and it is gratifying to be able to state that in preparing this sketch we are introducing the reader to the most completely equipped and largest livery stable in Vancouver.
Mr. M.T.L. Lloyd, the proprietor of the business, is a native of Toronto, and previous to his becoming proprietress of the Palace, was a wall-known and prominent contractor of Vancouver.
The Palace was one of the first livery stables opened in Vancouver and the building was erected with special reference to its use, and provided with all modern conveniences. It is eligibly located on Pender Street, near Burrard and has a capacity to stable 75 head of horses and of housing the vehicles, harness, etc., for their use.
Mr. Lloyd is a thorough horseman, and the very best care is given to stock and rigs of boarders, and at reasonable rates.
The Palace keeps a number of horses and livery purpose, and has among them fine roadsters for gentlemen's driving, gentle horses for ladies' driving and riding, fine carriage horses and gentlemen's riding horses. They can supply at short notice, camping, hunting and fishing outfits and make a specialty of supplying turnouts for excursion parties, and of furnishing tourists with carriages or three seaters, accompanied with experienced drivers, acquainted with all places in the city, or near it, deemed of special interest by strangers.
In point of stock, carriages, and the general paraphernalia which goes to make up a first-class livery stable, Mr. Lloyd has spared no expense, and has the best of everything.
Persons or parties arriving in Vancouver with a view to investment or settlement cannot do better than to call on Mr. Lloyd. His extensive acquaintance will enable him to give much valuable information, while his turnouts and drivers will be at the disposal of patrons as moderate as can be obtained from other stables.
The measure of patronage accorded to the Palace Livery stables by the public has been amply merited by a course of honourable dealing and fair treatment of patrons which has won for its proprietor the confidence and esteem of all with whom he has had business relations.
On June 2nd, 1896, the 'Vancouver Daily World' Newspaper ran a similar article.
There is no more thriving and popular establishment of the kind in the Province than the Palace Livery Stable. Mr. M.T.L. Lloyd, proprietor, located at the corner of Pender and Burrard streets. Eight years ago these stables were opened and in 1891, Mr. Lloyd became proprietor. The main building is a three-story structure 80 x 150 feet in area, thoroughly modern and complete in appointment and equipment. It is lighted by electric light; is provided with the latest sanitary appliances and is up to date in every particular. There is accommodation for upwards of 90 horses. A general livery and boarding business is conducted. Firs class single and double driving and ladies and gentleman's saddle horses; gladstones, phaetons, buggies and all the latest styles of carriages are kept and promptly sent to any part of the city. There are no finer equipages in the city than those turned out by the Palace Livery Stable. A specialty is made of boarding horses. In all instances the rates are very moderate. Mr M.T.L. Lloyd is very well known and is quite popular in the city. He came here ten years ago from Manitoba where he was in business. After arriving in Vancouver he followed contracting for a time. He takes an active interest in the city`s welfare and has various interests in a logging business. His time, however, is chiefly occupied about the stables. He is a lover of good horses and has often stated, `there is just as much difference in horses as in men. Besides his many business pursuits he has frequently favoured the press with some choice poems. As a writer Mr. Lloyd has won considerable distinction.

Close up of rooftops and the Palace Livery Stable ~ note the horse on the weather vane.
![Palace Livery Stable Palace Livery Stable, about 1895, detail, View of downtown houses, part of Stanley Park, and the North Shore mountains from the roof of Manor House, Vancouver City Archives, SGN 447; [Note horse on top of weather vane.]](
This is a map of Vancouver in 1898~ the wee yellow dot is the location of the Palace Livery Stable.
By 1898 Marmaduke was back in Manitoba
His first and only marriage was to Jennie Bailey (nee Howie) They married on June 7th, 1898 at Portage la Prairie, Manitoba.

Marmaduke was 42 when he married Jennie, who was then 26. Marmaduke and Jennie had one child of their own: Vida Valerie Lloyd born April 29th, 1899 in Brandon. Marmaduke and Jennie owned and ran hotels and rooming houses in Manitoba before the war years and when times got tough and food production was the #1 priority in Canada, they farmed for the duration of the war years.
Marmaduke's step-son, Charley Bailey served with the Canadian Army Medical Corps in the first world war. He enlisted in August 1914 and returned home in January of 1919. This blog tells much of the story of Marmaduke and Jennie's lives during the war years.
Shortly after Charley returned from the war, the family packed up and moved to Kelowna.
V.V. took a teaching position in a Glen Rosa, above Westbank at a one room day school in 1920.
This is a photo of Bernard Avenue in Kelowna in 1920.
My dad; Thomas Kenneth Perrin recalls spending summers in Kelowna with his Grandma and Grandpa who he called Gaga and Aboo. He recalls that his grandmother; Jennie kept a nickle plated .32 revolver hidden in her bedroom for those chicken thieves who might be 'clumping her gumps'. Tom recalled trapping pheasants in the hay field using a grain baited muskrat trap and having cookouts with the neighbourhood kids which featured corn stolen from nearby fields and much talk of clumping gumps to complete the feasts.
Albert and Lavinia (Marmaduke's unmarried brother and sister) lived across the hay field.
My father remembers Marmaduke as gentle soul with a comforting warm lap, who smelled of bay rum and cigars.
The Lloyds originally came from Wales then moved to northern Ireland (Ulster) then on to Canada. Marmaduke was a staunch Orangeman. He used a Blackthorn Cane which is still in the family and which purportedly came with the Lloyds from Wales.
Marmaduke and Jennie Lloyd ~ My great Grandma and Grandpa.
Marmaduke died January 19, 1935 Kelowna British Columbia Canada
(Lane Hogaboam, Find a Grave Volunteer very kindly tended to and cleaned up Jennie and Maramaduke's headstones (and photographed the stones) at the Pioneer Cemetery in Kelowna. They were showing serious signs of age and covered with lichen before Lane generously cleaned the stones.)
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