Sunday, January 21, 2018

Letter #72, December 29, 1917

Ristow Barracks
Kent England

Dear Mother and Dad
Mother I am going to give you a surprise. I am going back to France if they will let me.  In all probability it will be back dispensing again at least I am going to try and go in that capacity. This time I am going to prove to you that it's not my nonsense that keeps me in the ranks, by Jove if I can't get my old rank back again my name is not Bailey.  Yes Mother there is no use talking, I will be there before you get this letter so don’t worry.  I am not going to stand back and see these married men with kiddies etc go and a young fellow like myself stay behind just because I have been over before.  It’s not right, it’s not fair and I am not going to do it.   If some of those young fellows in Canada will not come then Mother you can tell them, there is some of the old boys that are not afraid to go back and do their share for them and your boy is one of them.
          I have got the old active service equipment again and I feel better, I feel as though I am doing right.  I have volunteered for this mother and I am as happy as a pig in dirt, never let it be said that I was picked.  I was there at the start and if I am spared, I will be there at the finish.  Dad will understand my feeling, and if everything comes out alright, I think he will be proud to say that I was not a quitter, just because some of them are.
          Things in general are just as usual around here, men coming and going every day, Young Faulkner came around to see me and one or two of the Dauphin boys, but they have almost strangers to me now, gee they have altered.    I received your parcel yesterday Mother, and I am sure enjoying the cigarettes but really I would rather you bought some little comforts for yourself and Dad.  I can manage alright, and the expense it takes to send a parcel over here is too much.  VV wrote the other day and by her letters she is getting to be a regular farmer, pigs, dogs, and animals seem to be her hobby.  Well Mother there is no use looking on the dark side of things, Cheer up because by the time you receive this I will be back in France.  I will write just as soon as I get there, don’t think I am foolish Mother, I am only doing what’s right. Remembrance to Dad and V-V
Love Chas
I will write the day I land.  Chas.


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