Wednesday, March 15, 2017

March 15, 1917 Letter #55, Folks running La Claire Hotel in Winnipeg

(March 15th, 1916)
Granville Can Host

Dear Mother
          Just received your letter this afternoon it being the first for over a month and I am sure glad to hear that the La Claire is a paying business as I had a kind of a doubt about it at first but seeing that the kid is back at school again and you are making money again and that Dad has a chance to get clear on the Banana Land it sure made me feel good and I only hope to the lord things keep on that way.  

Marmaduke Thomas Lorenzo Lloyd Proprietor La Claire Hotel

By your letter you seem to think I was just about dead well I am all O.K. and don’t worry if anything serious ever happens I won't hesitate in letting you know.
          I guess the Richmond’s are having a big time over their Grand Children I can just see old Ireland sitting quiet and laughing to himself. I sometimes wish that I could see him for a few minutes and jolly him about being a daddie.
          Yes old ‘Ross your fired’ is dead. I had a letter from him the night before he went into action wanting me to tell him what date I could get off so that he could get his leave and we would have a few days in London together. A lot of the old boys that I know quite well have gone south too.  It just makes me feel as if I want to go over there again.  It is the general belief around here that things will come to a big scrap this spring and then finish ~ but~
          Don’t be foolish about your letters being returned the same way as the one you wrote to Ross.  You always look on the blue side of things.  If I am to be boled over it is me that’s going to get it and I am darned sure I am not worrying so don’t be ridiculous I didn’t join the army to become ground fertilizer.  No chance I am not made that way. 
          I don’t understand why Mable is down for an operation and is working at the same time however it's none of my business so the less said the better.  Things here are as usual I am still in the operating room and daily sawing off legs, arms etc.  It sure is a great experience for me, I like it but most of the fellows can't stand it at all but it sure is interesting holding a leg or some limb while the doctor is taking it off.
          Well Mother I am going to close now and tell Dad that I am going to send along that letter that I promised him about six months ago.  Remember me to Dad and V-V also tell Ireland that I will wager two to one that it is a girl.

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